Keeping you safe from Covid-19

It is important to us that you are safe and protected from any risk associated with acquiring Covid-19. We have taken the following steps:

  • All patients contacting us for an appointment are triaged by a clinic team member over the telephone to establish their status (asymptomatic / symptomatic / self-isolating / living with someone symptomatic or self-isolating / have been in contact with anyone symptomatic).

  • A second triage is conducted in the clinic (including a temperature check), when you arrive for your appointment.

  • All surfaces that will be touched by human hands are disinfected before and after each shift and before and after each patient. This includes door handles, chairs, reception desk, point of sale terminal, adjusting benches, testing equipment, therapeutic equipment, taps and soap dispenser to name the most common ones. We have a checklist that is followed after each patient to ensure we do not miss a thing.

  • You are required to wash your hands upon entering the premises with soap and water. We suggest you do the same before you leave.

  • You are required to let us know in advance of your visit to the office if you are not feeling well or have a raised temperature, new continuous cough or loss or change to your sense of smell and/or taste. In this situation we will ask you to postpone your visit to the office for 7 days

  • The doctor will be washing their hands between each patient visit to ensure there is no transmission of infectious agents.

  • The doctor and team will be wearing appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), which is changed after each client, as per the requirements of our regulatory body, professional association and Public Health England.

  • Our appointment booking system has undergone some transformation in order to keep you safe. We will be booking patient visits at a frequency so that only one client will be in the office at a time. We ask for your co-operation and patience with us as we work out the new booking system. It is important that if you arrive early for an appointment you wait outside, or in your car so as to ensure appropriate physical distancing. If we are running behind for any reason we will do our best to contact you and advise you of an appropriate time to come later in the day or the next day.

  • If at any time during your visit you feel uncomfortable or unsafe PLEASE communicate that to one of the team members or the doctor and we will do everything in our power to resolve it and help you feel safe or rebook your appointment.

Over time, and as the situation with Covid-19 evolves, we will continue to review all processes within the clinic.